the early morning.

The early morning, the beginning of a new day, a fresh start, new opportunities on the horizon.
The air feels new, sometimes damp with dew or fog, sometimes chilly and crisp, sometimes warm and fragrant.
Minutes, moments, time untouched and untainted by preconceived feelings or emotions. Every experience holds the promise of something special, something redemptive. It is quiet, it is calm. The struggles of days past, are gone, they are over, they are behind me. Ahead are all things new. All things possible.

The early morning gives space for growing, with no expectations, no tasks, only conversations with myself, with my creator and his spirit. It allows my brain, my creative mind, my process to be uninterrupted. The early morning allows for a centering, a grounding, a moment to suit up and prepare for the day, and all that will come with it.

The early morning, in winter months, dark and empty and in summer, glowing and so alive. Excitement, and anticipation for what is to come in this new day. It is the beginning. It twinkles, it glows, it dances as the world and all it’s living things wake from their rest, as the stars begin to fade and the air grows lighter. The birds sing with cheer. They perch themselves high on the wire outside my little city apartment, singing and together they know, that I have been given another day to live well. And this early morning is the start of it.

The early morning is my favorite time of day.
It has so much to offer the world of people who embrace it, who choose to experience it for all that it is worth, for all that it represents, for all that it means to our human spirit.

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